Leverage AI For Education

Unlock the future of education with Stemble’s cutting-edge AI solutions tailored specifically for chemistry.

Working at a laptop with a second computer monitor in the background.

Modernize Your Grading Workflow

Stemble is revolutionizing the educational landscape with the power of AI. As pioneers in this dynamic field, we specialize in leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance learning experiences.

Adaptable Auto Grading

From quizzes to lab reports complete with plots, our platform empowers faculty to provide instant, personalized feedback.

Retain Full Control

Faculty retain full control over their assessment criteria, allowing them to customize rubrics to suit their teaching objectives.

A Platform You Can Trust

Stemble has a proven track record of deploying innovative solutions for higher education.

Less Grading, More Guiding

With Stemble’s AI-powered grading system, say goodbye to hours spent poring over student submissions. Our platform automates the grading process, providing instant, personalized feedback to each student. Imagine the efficiency of having the system analyze homework problems, quizzes, and lab reports, pinpointing areas of improvement and offering tailored suggestions for each individual. Faculty can easily review and edit the feedback before releasing grades to students, ensuring accuracy and fairness.

By harnessing the power of AI, educators can reclaim valuable time that can be better spent on teaching and mentoring students.

Someone sitting at a laptop with their hands clasped and a watch on their wrist.

Customizable Rubrics for Accurate Grading

At Stemble, we understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to grading criteria. That’s why our platform empowers faculty to control their own rubrics, allowing them to tailor assessment criteria to align with course objectives and teaching philosophies. Whether it’s emphasizing specific skills or adjusting grading scales, educators have the flexibility to create rubrics that reflect their unique teaching style.

With Stemble, grading becomes more than just assigning scores — it’s a strategic tool for guiding student learning and fostering academic growth.

Two people working at a table, reviewing a document.

Versatile Automatic Assessments

From simple numerical inputs to complex lab reports with multiple sections and charts, Stemble’s AI-driven platform is capable of grading a wide range of assignments with ease and precision. Our system can analyze graphs for common pitfalls, assess lab reports for accuracy and completeness, and track student performance in real-time.

Whether it’s assessing quantitative data or evaluating qualitative analysis, Stemble provides educators with the tools they need to gauge student understanding and progress effectively. With Stemble, assessment becomes a seamless and flexible process.

A loader displays as a student waits for automatic feedback.

Want to see Stemble in action?

Book at demo and learn more about how Stemble can enhance your grading process.